The Best Payment Gateway For e-Commerce

Feb 13, 2021 | Business and Management | 0 comments

By Zane

Online payment gateways are essential if your business relies on an e-commerce website. Also if you need to collect donations on the website instead of services or products available to process payments made by your customers. 

This helps customers to pay easily and later sellers/suppliers/manufacturers can access money paid by customers/buyers or request a check or withdrawal from their bank account. You can now also learn about CBD payment gateway via

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The following are the most popular and important e-commerce payment processors around the world:-

1. PayPal:- This is the world's premier and most popular payment buyer. In 2011, PayPal managed to generate $ 4 billion in payments.

2. Authorize.Net:- Became popular in 1996 and has done billions of transactions since then. To register an account, you must pay a one-time initiation fee of $ 99, a monthly fee of $ 20, and $ 0.10 for each transaction.

3. Braintree:- Services for merchant accounts and online payment processors are free of charge. The transaction fee for each transaction includes 2.9% + $ 0.03 for eligible cardholders.

4. Sage Pay:- There are more than 40,000 companies that use Sage Pay because it is believed to provide secure payment services. Every month it is reported that this payment gateway can process up to millions of payments per transaction.

5. Google Checkout:- The account is linked to a Google Account, which internet users can use to pay for services and buy products online.

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