Pink salt or pink Himalayan salt is a mineral salt obtained from the foothills of the majestic Himalayan range in India. The salt is used mainly for food preparation and decorative purposes, although the salt can also be used for gardening and fire treatment. Pink salt has numerous health benefits, including improving mineralization of the bones and teeth, reducing blood pressure, boosting metabolism and increasing energy. It also helps to prevent various bacterial and fungal infections and cures various disorders such as arthritis, anemia, constipation, heartburn, gas formation, flu, measles, hay fever and nausea.
Pink Himalayan salt contains trace minerals such as potassium, sodium, iron, magnesium, calcium, manganese and zinc. These elements are required for various biochemical activities. The magnesium content in this salt helps to control nerve impulses and increase the concentration of adrenaline in the blood stream. This mineral is important in regulating the heartbeat rate and performing other important functions in the body. A well-maintained balance between the minerals and other elements is very essential for good health.
Calcium and phosphorus are essential for the human body. Salt containing calcium and potassium are necessary for the human body to make and use other minerals such as calcium carbonate for strong bones and teeth and potassium, magnesium and sodium to activate muscles. Salt with a high content of potassium and low concentration of calcium leads to water retention and contributes to softness and weight gain. Salt with a lower concentration of calcium and higher concentration of magnesium and sodium makes it a good choice for treating diarrhea and promoting the absorption of essential nutrients. Pink salt contains trace amounts of iron, which is important for red blood cell production and contain ions that activate platelet cells.
High sodium content in regular salt contributes to the cause of high blood pressure. High blood pressure is a condition where the flow of blood to vital organs is reduced. Regular salt intake is not recommended for people with this disease. For them, pink salt can be used instead of regular salt because this type of salt contains a very low amount of sodium content. So, it can help in lowering blood pressure without adversely affecting other health conditions.
Most countries in the world, including India, have regulated salt intake. They set a limit on the percentage of sodium contained in regular table salt. Although recommendations are provided by experts, it is recommended to check with one’s own doctor before taking this measure. Sodium levels vary from place to place and are also influenced by the way the food is prepared. To obtain the recommended daily amount of sodium, one needs to know the average sodium content of different foods.
According to many people, trace minerals found in pink salt help reduce blood pressure. Many studies have shown that trace minerals like potassium, magnesium, iron, and calcium to improve the cardiovascular health. So, it is advisable to consume food that contains these trace minerals every day.
There are several different types of trace minerals available today. In addition to the traditional one, pink salt contains various other minerals that improve our health. Some of them are manganese, zinc, and copper. Experts recommend consuming food that contains a certain amount of each mineral every day.
Pink salt has its own fans among women who want to look beautiful. However, its benefits are not just limited to those who want to keep their skin and hair healthy. Many people believe that trace minerals found in this type of table salt can also have a positive effect on the heart. This is because regular consumption of this type of salt helps the circulation of blood and strengthens the heart.