There are several ways to organize your files. For instance, you can create folders for different projects, clients, or broad topics. Another way is to create shortcuts for files. These shortcuts can help you quickly find the files you’re looking for.
Creating folders for each client
Creating folders for each client is a great way to stay organized. If you are working on a project with a large client list, for example, it might be helpful to create a folder for each client. You can then add subfolders to each folder, including contracts and correspondence. The whole structure of a folder will be visible when you browse it, making it easy to quickly find a file that you need.
Folders can be created as practice-wide or client-specific. Client-specific folders can have multiple access levels, which can be configured separately for each client. By default, the folder that a client has access to will be the top-level folder. This folder can also have subfolders for each client.
Another option is to use tags to categorize files. For example, “invoice” could be used for files that relate to a specific client. You could also create a folder called “Client XYZ” to keep receipts, invoices, and other materials related to that client.
You can organize top-level folders by year or by project type. For example, if you worked on projects for clients in 2016, you could create a folder named “2016 Main Projects.” These would contain all of the ad projects, blog posts, and customer emails for that year.
Creating folders for each project
Creating folders for each project is an essential part of project management. Whether you’re working on a blog post, graphic design project, or document, it’s important to separate first-draft versions from final ones. First-draft files should have the suffix “v1” at the end of the file name. You can always send these documents out to reviewers for feedback.
Fortunately, macOS X makes it easy to create folder structures and subfolders. For example, you can set a folder’s security level when creating a new one. Likewise, you can import a folder structure from another project. This way, you don’t have to worry about renaming files, renaming folders, or moving them to a different folder when you’re finished.
Creating folders for each project is particularly useful for projects that have multiple pieces, such as multiple PPC ads. This structure allows everyone on a team to focus on the same deliverable. For example, if someone is writing the ads, they won’t have to post them themselves. In this scenario, they can check the final folder to ensure they’re ready to post. This saves everyone time.
Once you have created the folders for your projects, you can create subfolders and subprojects within it. Subfolders and top level folders have private visibility, but can be made public if needed. You can also assign different permissions to different folders. When creating a new folder, remember to name it the same as the project itself.
Creating folders for each project will help you organize your projects and find the files you need. Folders can be organized by year or by type, for example. In the screenshot below, there are folders for blog posts, advertisements, and customer emails. You can further organize your projects by year or by project type.
Creating folders for each broad topic
When organizing files, consider creating folders for broad topics. These could include project XYZ, expense reports, ad campaigns, etc. In any case, make sure to put a broad topic at the top level, and create subfolders under that topic. Breaking each broad topic into smaller components will make reviewing work easier.
Creating folders for each broad topic will help you find specific files and make it easy to find them. For example, if you organize your files by employer, you could create a folder for each employer. Within that folder, you could create subfolders for each individual project.
The structure of your folders will depend on your team’s needs. In general, it should cascade logically from top to bottom. You can also make folders more specific to filter down your files. For example, you could create a folder for each broad topic within project management, and another folder for each month or year. You could further break down your files by campaign or department.
Creating a shortcut to organize files
Creating a shortcut to organize files can help you avoid making multiple copies of the same file. Creating a copy creates an exact replica of the file, which can take up space on your hard drive. By contrast, creating a shortcut leads to the location of the original file.
Once you have created a shortcut, you can easily access it with a single click. You can even rename it as well. Adding shortcuts to files is very simple, and it will save you time and energy. The first step is to right-click the folder you want to create a shortcut for. After you do this, you will see a small arrow in the lower left corner.
You can even organize your files by type and category. For example, you can create separate folders for documents, music, and videos. Creating shortcuts to these folders can help you find the files you need. By doing this, you will be saving time that you can spend on more important things.