Phase 2 Environmental Site Assessments

Jul 7, 2021 | Business and Management | 0 comments

By Zane

Once the Phase I Environmental Site Assessment has been completed, and the audited results are reviewed, a Phase II Environmental Site Assessment (otherwise called a Phase II ESA), is performed to determine the level of contamination at the site. 

Phase 2 Environmental Site Assessments

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The assessment also provides a framework for determining the cost of the current condition and the potential costs and expenses associated with future cleanup projects. 

The Phase II Environmental Site Assessment serves as a baseline study and confirms levels of contamination that occurred before any facility is constructed or purchased.

A brief overview of the Investigations – The organization can use a soil vapor study to find a cost-effective way to map the horizontal distribution of their supply and chemical vapors within water and soils. 

These studies focus on the refinement of petroleum and the efficiency of storage and distribution facilities. A grid of soil vapor samples from the same area is taken and analyzed for methane, chlorinated and other compounds. This stage can be used to map the horizontal contamination of groundwater in a specific area. 

The Final Report – After the Phase II Environmental Site Assessment is completed, along with any investigations that may be required, a final interpretative document is prepared and filed. 

These findings can be easily used to plan for the future and identify any potential pollutants that could become a problem. You can even search online for more information about phase 2 environmental site assessment.

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