Himalayan pink salt is mountain salt mined in the Himalayas. Himalayan rock salt has long been prized for its unique properties and is widely used for many different applications, both culinary and industrial. It contains an abundance of sodium chloride and potassium chloride that is highly prized by chefs because of its sodium-potassium ratio. Himalayan salt also contains trace minerals such as sulfur, iron, calcium, magnesium, manganese, cobalt, aluminum and chromium.
Himalayan rock salt is high in potassium, sodium, iron, and phosphorus. The rock salt most commonly has a bright pinkish color due to mineral contaminants. It is mainly used as a food supplement as a table salt, cooking salt, and in spa treatments, decorative lighting, tableware, and jewelry. It can also be found in numerous beauty and fragrance products such as shampoos, hair creams, lotions, nail polish, makeup, and hair dyes. Himalayan rock salt has been used for more than seven thousand years as a source of salt for the Himalayas. Today it is still used to treat injuries, infections, sore throats, burns, diarrhea, cough, diarrhea, colds, flu, and vomiting.
Himalayan rock salt is not as refined as other types of rock salts and does not contain as much water. This is one of the reasons why it is called "slippy"sluggish" salt. It is a great choice for people who are looking for a salt with a higher concentration of sodium than other rock salts.
Himalayan rock salt has a number of characteristics that make it one of the best choices for chefs and cooks alike. It is highly soluble in water, so it can dissolve easily into liquids. Also, because it is highly soluble, it does not have a hard crystalline structure, making it ideal for making a variety of dishes, including soups, salads, dips, appetizers, sauces, gravies, and stews, as well as making an excellent addition to pasta dishes.
Himalayan rock salt has an almost photographic appearance when it comes in contact with heat. It has a fine grain, which makes it easy to see in a dish. When the heat melts the surface, the grains separate into fine flakes that are easily dispersed throughout the liquid. It will also create a lovely shiny and glossy luster on the dishes when it is exposed to light. Also, it is often translucent in nature, resulting in a rich luster in food that is not commonly found in other salt types.
When using Himalayan salt in food preparation it should be used sparingly. When choosing a large container to store it in, do not fill up more than half way with liquid. A good rule of thumb is to store it within three quarters of the container's height in order to prevent the salt from burning the containers. It is important to be aware that the salt has a tendency to stick to the sides of containers, particularly if they are plastic.
It is also important to store Himalayan rock salt in large glass jars to prevent breaking and crushing. Glass containers allow for easy pour-out of the contents. They can be stacked on top of each other to store. If you use them to store foods, make sure that you do not store them near any items that could burn, such as utensils, or other objects that can catch fire, such as open flames.
Another great thing about Himalayan pink salt is that it is relatively inexpensive compared to other types of salt. Because of this, it is one of the best options available for the savvy shopper when it comes to purchasing salt.